Financial Support.

Our church family, along with local and global partners, plays a vital role in sustaining our mission. We extend a humble invitation to all to join us on this transformative journey, contributing to the fullness of life for everyone. Your financial generosity empowers us to continue spreading the message of hope and love, making a meaningful impact locally and globally.

Together, let us model the way of Jesus, creating a community where generosity knows no bounds and the Kingdom's abundance is evident in every corner of our lives.

Ways to Give


Direct Bank Deposit: 775 00579186300 ATB

In-person: Contact us during the week to use the credit/debit machine, and you can also find it available on Sundays at the front entrance for your convenience.

Tithes and Offerings: Embrace the biblical principle of tithing by contributing a portion of your income to the church. Additionally, consider providing offerings to support specific projects, missions, and the overall growth of our faith community. Tithes and offerings reflect our shared commitment to advancing the Kingdom of God and making a positive impact in our local and global communities. Trust that your faithful giving not only supports the mission of our community but also aligns with the divine call to stewardship and generosity.